Hempire Weed Growing Mod guide for more diamonds trick hack

Hempire Weed Growing Mod Hack Cheats
Hempire Weed Growing Mod Hack Cheats

Cash is the primary currency in this game whereas diamond is the premium currency. You can earn both currencies in many ways. However, if you can’t get the sufficient amount then there is one great alternative which is to use Hempire cheats. Progression becomes easier with the use of such programs and there are thousands of gamers using it. This is my personal Hempire review and I am mentioning some of the best tips which helped me.


Some of the tips are based on my experience which can easily help you progress faster. Get ready to get a deep dive of this amazing game.

Quick Select

So, this is time to begin with a great hit and quick select is one of the best option to help you out. You can find this option at the bottom right corner. There are total four buttons here and each of them is for different thing. It can help you getting around the game with ease.

Bottom button is to visit growing house directly whereas there is one more option to take you to lab, one for house and the last one is important. This button help you keep an eye on plants and whenever they need watering, you need to pay a close attention.

If you skip it then chances of facing issues are higher. Get used to all option as soon as possible otherwise chances of facing issues are higher. On the other hand, you should use Hempire hack to obtain cash and diamonds.

Keeping the game open

You can find the game requires close attention very badly and if you are a short burst gamer then it isn’t a good game to go with. Here, you can find some of the best options but the keeping the game open is worst issue.

You need to keep on water plants and if you don’t pay attention or spend time on them then trouble begins. You lose resources and plants don’t grow well. However, if you focus on plants and water them on right time then they will grow better. You will get five points as bonus on proper watering.

Increasing Mastery

Being master in this game mean making your schedule to open the game on time. For example, you can open the game in right time like when it need water. If you are going right and watering properly then you will get more out of plants and it is easy also. Most of expert gamers are not playing this game whole time. They have decided a little time which make them get the best out of it. This will help you improve the chances of finding some of best buds. You can easily find the epic buds in the game. It will make things easier to you.

Tasks with items

There are plenty of tasks where you can get some of awesome rewards. If you don’t want to mess up with a single thing then it will be better to rely on tasks with items. You can easily complete most of the tasks and get rid of all the issues.

You can find some of the great deals to fulfill and most of them are easier to complete. Examine the list of reward and check what the best in that is. You can find cash most of time but there are experience point as well as hardware supplies. These supplies can be expensive on the purchase but you can get it way easily by this method.

Not interested in such methods? Well, you can try out hack which will ease up your work and make things easier. It is widely used method and you can rely on it. There are some easy to do things like fixing benches and few more. Who doesn’t love to complete such tasks? These are way better than spending money on in-app purchases option.

Final Words

There is weed on wheel and it is quite helpful and reliable. Make sure to optimize it on time and it will provide some of amazing benefits. As told, Hempire Cheats will be a great solution so you can optimize that too. Progression will be easier. Hope, my Hempire review will help you be the best gamer in nick of time. It is really easy and make things reliable.

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